Dungeon Master 7 Read online
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The wedding band looked like it was woven together from different strands of the same rose gold metal and between each knot was a small, pink diamond. The thin band slid into place perfectly underneath the engagement ring, and I imagined it sparkling on my woman’s hand for a moment. I raised my eyes towards the cat-girl, and she grinned at me as she clasped her hands and held them tightly to her chest. The salesgirl already knew I’d found the one, and she reached for a small velveteen box to place the bands in.
“Did you find the one, Master?” Ezra asked as he came away from the door and stood beside me.
“Yes,” I nodded softly as the salesgirl packed up the rings and placed them in the tiny box. “Ezra, I have a request of you.”
“Of course, Master, what is it?” the cat-man asked as he leaned forward and looked into my face.
“How far is it to the other islands by boat?” I asked, and Ezra’s eyebrows knit together as he thought.
“To Kegewa, an hour and a half,” the cat-man answered. “To Mauntenraion, since it’s the smallest and closest island, a half hour.”
“Can you charter me a boat to take us there?” I questioned, and Ezra nodded as I slipped a hand into my void pocket and pulled out a handful of gold coins.
I placed them into the cat-man’s hands as the salesgirl’s eyes widened at the sight of such a huge amount of gold coins. Ezra took it, nodded, and then turned on his heels and hurried out of the shop. The cat-girl’s eyes trailed after him, and I could tell instantly she too was part of the Ezra fan club that’d been in the courtyard earlier today. Her eyes were glossy as she leaned into her hand and watched the tall sailor leave. I cleared my throat, and she seemed to come back to the present.
The salesgirl gave me a sheepish smile and led me back over to the register where she rung me up. When we’d finished, she slid the box to me over the counter, and I took it into my hand. I ran my fingers over the cover of the box then slipped it into the safety of my void pocket.
“Thank you.” I smiled as I bowed my head to the cat-girl, and she giggled happily and waved as I slipped through the door.
I headed back towards the library as I planned out what I would do next. The walk back was short, but the breeze coming off the ocean was cool and rustled my hair around my shoulders softly. I took the steps two at a time as the massive glass dome came into view and I moved towards it, determined. I swung open the repaired doors and listened for a moment.
The soft voices of my women came from above, and I smiled to myself as they laughed together lightly. They lounged around on the overstuffed chairs by the massive tree. Rana reclined back on a sofa with her head in Annalise’s lap, Carmedy sat on the floor, crossed legged as she giggled softly. Morrigan and Heijing sat opposite each other in high-back chairs, and both women sat properly with their hands folded in their laps. The dragon’s head was the first to turn, and her icy blue eyes stabbed into me the way they usually did. Her hearing must have been impeccable, even better than Rana and Carmedy’s in order to hear the soft shuffling of my feet from so far away.
Heijing looked at me in a way that none of my minions did. The dragon seemed to look at me and through me at the same time as if she could see through my armor and my avatar’s flesh to the essence hidden inside. It made sense because she too was an unearthly being like me, but it was something that I would have to get used to if she were to be around for a while.
The Qianlong’s long, cerulean hair shifted around her shoulders as she turned in her chair and waited for me to approach. My women took notice of the change in the dragon and swiveled to look. Their faces split into different expressions of happiness at the sight of me. I moved towards them but kept my eyes on one woman in particular. I felt Morrigan and Heijing’s eyes heavily on my back as I reached out a hand.
“Carmedy,” I murmured in the softest voice I could muster, and the feline’s head swung towards me as she smiled. “Would you like to go for a walk with me?”
“Of course!” the black-haired cat cried happily.
The alchemist’s short black hair shifted as the bright sunlight illuminated her sweet face. She had no idea what was coming, but two of the women seated around her did as the cat-girl slipped her hand into mine. I helped Carmedy to her feet, and the feline giggled softly as we bumped into each other. I intertwined her fingers with mine as I turned towards the door. I held it open for Carmedy, and she momentarily dropped my hand as she stepped through. I glanced back at the group of women, and my eyes connected with Rana’s.
I hadn’t spoken a word to any of them, and the redhead already knew what was about to take place. I could see the pain and hurt in her baby-blue eyes as she stared me down. I knew I would have to deal with the repercussions later, but each of my decisions was deliberate and true. Rana would learn that soon enough, and for now, she would have to live with her momentary pain.
The door closed behind me, and the rest of my minions were obscured from view. Carmedy followed after me, and I led her higher up into the city. I followed the route we’d taken to the Qianlong’s sanctuary but right as the stone stairs ended, I veered off to the left. We strolled through the tall grass, and Carmedy reached out her free hand and let the feather reed brush against her palms and fingers.
The feline looked so pretty as she trailed behind me a little, and I slowed to a walk to allow her to catch up. Her bright, emerald eyes flitted up to mine, and she gave me a wide grin. She didn’t ask any questions the whole way up, but we spoke quietly to each other. Carmedy was the minion I had to work with the most during training. Unlike her sisters, the alchemist was raised in peace-loving ways without fighting or war. When I’d first met her, she’d run away and hide from any fight that took place, but I quickly broke her of that. Now, it seemed like the cat liked to fight, and if the person deserved it, she enjoyed killing. I’d seen the fire in her eyes as she watched someone die too many times not to recognize that same feeling.
Carmedy, like her sisters, was an extension of myself, not a weapon or a tool but another part of me as real as my avatar. I’d molded her into the woman she was today, and I couldn’t be prouder. Her potions were stronger than ever, and she only got better by the day. I wanted nothing more than her to succeed and become a better warrior for me.
We walked hand in hand through the wild feather reed, and the golden tops of the grass bobbed in the soft breeze. Carmedy’s hair brushed around her face, and the feline tucked a few strands behind her ear as she looked up into my face.
“Where exactly are we going, Master?” the feline asked as the light hit her emerald eyes perfectly and made them shine like jewels.
“Does it matter where we go as long as we are together?” I asked back and immediately the petite alchemist’s cheeks bloomed red.
“I-I guess not,” Carmedy giggled as she dropped her eyes to the grass shyly.
I raised my head toward the rough trail ahead of us, cut through the grass by wild animals. I had a rough idea of where we were going; I’d seen it from higher up on the mountain and pushed towards it. The tree line to our left was dense and full of life, and Carmedy turned her head to watch small birds flit from branch to branch.
In the distance, I could make out the small plateau and rough cliff face that hung over the open ocean. It was beautiful out here with large patches of blooming wildflowers, and Carmedy gasped in wonder as she rushed forward. Her childlike wonder never ceased to amaze me, and I followed after her eagerly as she plucked a few flowers and began weaving a flower crown for herself. I allowed her this time to herself as I sat down in the tall grass and just watched her for a long while.
Carmedy was always my most carefree minion, no matter what was happening around us, she always maintained her whimsical outlook, and I admired that in her. I had chosen her and her sisters for a reason. They’d happened upon my dungeon merely by chance, but they’d freed me, and I’d taken them under my wing. I hadn’t planned to fall in love with them, and it happened merely by accident. I didn’t t
rack over time how I fell in love with them, but I knew for sure that Carmedy was the first. The feline was so open and free-spirited that it was hard not to fall for her. With my mission, I couldn’t afford to be lighthearted and carefree, but through her, I could at least experience it vicariously.
The alchemist offered me her heart so easily, and I took it without hesitation. I loved all of my women just as they were, and though I worked with them to make them better warriors, I would never change their personalities or true natures. I wanted Carmedy to stay as sweet and innocent as she was the day I’d met her and I would do anything to protect that side of her.
My minions were the only things of value to me, I had no need for money or treasure, I was a god and could provide for myself wherever I went but my women, no, I couldn’t survive without them. I didn’t want to go a day without them, which made the party splitting up tasks harder than ever. I wanted them with me at all times where I could protect them from any adversary, but that wasn’t feasible right now. I already knew that my women could defend themselves, and the ones going to find Rana’s family had Heijing on their side, but I still yearned to be there with them.
I raised my eyes toward Carmedy as she raced around the small field littered with beautiful wildflowers. Her short dress fluttered out behind her as she chased a floating butterfly, and the feline squealed happily as her paws closed around its flapping wings. The alchemist held her cupped hands close to her chest as she peeked in at the trapped butterfly. Carmedy hurried over to me, knelt down beside me then opened her paws the tiniest bit.
The butterfly trapped inside sat calmly on the pad of one of her fingers and moved its wings slowly. Its wings were an electric blue and for a moment, reminded me of the color of Heijing’s scales as they reflected the light. The butterfly’s body was pitch black, and as Carmedy lifted her hand slightly, the butterfly took off. It fluttered around the feline for a moment, and its mesmerizing wings brushed Carmedy’s cheeks a few times before it glided away on the wind. We watched it together as the alchemist’s hand slipped into mine, and I turned to face her.
Carmedy’s eyes were bright, and her cheeks tinted pink in the hot sunlight. The feline was absolutely dazzling as I gazed down at her. She snuggled up next to me and laid her head on my shoulder as she looked out over the ocean, and I opened my mouth to speak as I found the right words.
“Carmedy,” I started, and the feline looked up into my face with a small smile. “When you think of the future, what do you want more than anything?”
“That’s easy,” Carmedy chuckled as she intertwined her fingers with mine and leaned into me. “What I want more than anything is nothing.”
“What do you mean?” I asked as I furrowed my brows and looked down at her.
“Well, I already have you, Master; I don’t need anything else. You’re the best Master, leader, and lover a cat-girl could ever have. If I ever want anything, I know you’ll give it to me without question. All I need is you in the future, and I’ll be happy.” Carmedy grinned and closed her eyes contentedly.
I breathed in sharply through my nostrils then smiled at her as I stroked her soft cheek. I reached into my void pocket for the small velvet box and brought it out without the feline seeing.
“What, isn’t there anything else you want? More than just being by my side?” I questioned as I lay a soft kiss to the top of her head.
“Hypo-thetically speaking,” the cat said as she pronounced the unfamiliar word I’d heard Haruhi teach her earlier in the day. “Of course I’d like to get married and have a bunch of babies and live on with my sisters and their babies in a kingdom all our own. But that won’t happen until we defeat the Holy Order and the Heavens so I keep it at the back of my mind for now.”
“You want to marry me and carry my child one day?” I inquired through a deep chuckle, and Carmedy nodded along with my words.
“Nothing would make me happier.” The alchemist sighed.
“Then let me give you some of that happiness here today,” I whispered as I slid off the ribbon on the box and snapped it open.
“W-what?” Carmedy cried as her eyes snapped open, and she stared down at the ring I offered to her. “Master?”
The feline’s eyes widened as she stared down at the gorgeous ring I held out to her and instantly, they watered with tears. Her paws flew to her mouth as tears streamed down her cheeks and the cat-girl hiccupped back a few sobs.
“Marry me, be my wife, and I will give you all the things you ask for and more,” I told her in a firm but gentle voice.
“Y-yes, Master!” Carmedy cried as she fell into me, and I nearly dropped the box in my hand.
I burst out laughing as the feline lay her head against my chest and cried softly. From the way she cried, it seemed as if she’d been waiting forever to hear me ask this question. I could tell from the quickened beat of her heart that she was happy, and when she pulled away from me a few minutes later, her eyes were bright, and she was smiling. I offered her the ring once more, and with shaky hands, she allowed me to slide it onto her finger. Carmedy held it up to the light as she examined the beautiful pink stone inlay. When she turned back to me, she curled her paw close to her chest protectively, like she didn’t want to lose it though it was securely on her hand.
“Come, I have one more surprise for you,” I told her through a wide grin as I helped the alchemist to her feet, and she stared up at me with furrowed brows.
“Another surprise?” Carmedy asked in a confused tone then brightened as an idea came into her head. “Is it food? Please, tell me its food!”
“Yes, no more questions,” I told her as I led her back towards the path down the mountain. “It won’t be a surprise if I tell you, now will it?”
We walked most of the way together, but once we got closer to the city, Carmedy dropped my hand and ran ahead of me. A few times she called out to me and waved me forward impatiently.
It was early afternoon by the time we reached the city, and we clasped hands as we hurried towards the dome of the library in the distance. Every few seconds, Carmedy would glance down at her left hand and take in her sparkling engagement ring. It suited her perfectly, and I was glad that she loved it so much. I wanted each of my women to have rings that suited their personalities, and I would make sure they did.
Ezra waited for us excitedly at the steps of the library, and he hurried over to me once we came into sight. His white ears twitched as he held his hands behind his back and respectfully bowed to me.
“Master, I’ve done as you asked and chartered a boat for you and your women.” Ezra smiled, and I nodded my head to him.
“Thank you, Ezra, if you could go inside and tell my women to pack up their things quickly,” I instructed the young cat-man, and he nodded eagerly. “I want to leave within the hour.”
Ezra didn’t reply, only turned on his heel and hurried back into the library. I moved to follow him, but Carmedy stood stock still and tugged me back. The feline’s brows were furrowed even deeper than before, and she looked up at me in confusion. I smiled down at her as I stroked her black hair, but that didn’t soothe her stormy expression.
“Where are we going? Why are we leaving Canarta so soon?” the alchemist asked in a soft, saddened tone.
I couldn’t hold back a chuckle as I looked at her sweet, pouty face. The feline seemed so upset that we were leaving her homeland so soon, but this was the second surprise I’d told her about, and she hadn’t even realized it yet.
“We’re not leaving; we’re simply going somewhere else,” I replied as I leaned down to her level and looked into her face.
“O-oh?” the feline asked as she tilted her head, then her emerald eyes widened as she realized. “Master, are we…?”
“I had Ezra charter a small boat for us, if all goes according to plan, and we pack quickly, we should land on Mauntenraion within an hour and a half,” I stated nonchalantly as if my words didn’t matter, but Carmedy’s cheeks bloomed out as she sucked in a massiv
e amount of air.
The feline let it all out in a joyous scream and leaped forward to wrap her arms around me. More tears came to her eyes, but just like last time, they were tears of joy. I’d made her so happy in one day, and I wanted her to stay this way for the rest of our lives. Over the cat’s shoulder, I watched as the rest of my minions and Heijing hurried out of the library with their bags and packs on their shoulders. Haruhi held three books to her chest protectively as she hastily said goodbye to both her father and older brother. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Rana keep to the middle of the group of women and avoid my eye, but I saw the sour look on her face.
“Where are we going, Master?” Annalise asked as she adjusted the pack on her back and looked into my face.
“We’re going to Mauntenraion,” I told all of them in a booming voice, and all of their faces swiveled to me. “Carmedy and I are to be married there.”
Gasps rushed through the women, and they all hurried over towards Carmedy, except for Heijing, who stepped closer to me and eyed the other females warily. I looked the dragon over quietly, and when the light hit her skin at a certain angle, I could almost make out the outline of scales beneath her flesh.
“It seems that you’ve upset the natural balance within your own party.” The Qianlong observed astutely.
“There is no need to tell me, I already know,” I stated in a firm voice, and Heijing’s cerulean eyebrows shot up, but she chuckled nevertheless, unbothered by my tone.
“And what will you do about it?” Heijing asked in an interested tone, and when she turned to look directly at me, her eyes sliced into me.
“Heijing, you will soon learn that there are reasons behind all of my actions,” I told her, and the Qianlong nodded along with my words. “Everything I do is deliberate and well-thought-out; I never make split-second decisions.”
“I am eager to watch all of your plans play out, Kazama,” Heijing smirked as she let my true name slip between her plump lips.